We’ve earned our Platinum Seal of Transparency with Candid, so you can donate with confidence!

Your $30 monthly donation will provide a child in need with tuition, school uniform, school lunch, paper for exams and other needed school supplies. So many children are waiting for a sponsor to help them reach their full potential through education. In many cases this opportunity for education saves children from hunger, slavery, and sex trafficking. Children who are in need of full time care on our Nurturing Nations campus require a $60 monthly donation to provide education and the necessities of life. Each child receives individualized care according to their needs. Our sponsorship program gives hope to children who have none and changes lives every day. To learn more or become a part of our sponsorship program, e-mail sponsorship@nurturingnations.org.
Children are counting on us! Fundraiser options are limitless, and a wonderful way to put your talents to use for Nurturing Nations. Bake sales, car washes, carnivals, auctions, garage sales, selling hand-made items--we need your creativity to help us change lives. Bring your community together to change lives for the better by supporting Nurturing Nations! Contact us to get started.
Your generosity allows us to do what we do, saving and changing lives every day.

Help us by spreading the word through social media! Follow us on Facebook and Instagram, like, share, and help us expand our circle and let others know about our mission. We appreciate your support!
Join us for the trip of a life time! Over the past several years we have had many groups of amazing volunteers that have traveled to Ghana to participate in Nurturing Nations projects, connecting in a personal way to our work of saving lives and empowering through education. Click here for more information and to sign up.